Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What makes a website disfunctional?

1. Too many flashing images and backgrounds. Not only does this take away from the content of the page and make text hard to read, but it can also cause problems for people that are prone to seizures.

2. Bad text legibility. Text needs to be a size that is easily read and needs to have good contrast from the background.

3. Margins should not distract from the page. Any margins that cause the contents of the page to be constricted or lob-sided will take away from the presentation.

4. Too large of an index. An index that has links that lead to more links that leads to more links will make the user lose interest. Keep it simple stupid.

5. Links that are hidden or hard to find. Links should be placed in a way that makes them obvious and easily navigable.

6. Images that distract from the content of the page. Images should be sized properly and in such a way that they don't take away from content.

7. Pages that take too long to load. Content of a page should be sized properly so that it doesn't take 45 seconds just to load the home page. People will lose interest if it takes too long.

8. Links that lead to nowhere. All links need to actually lead to somewhere hence the name link.

9. No visual interest. Although organization and functionality is very important, visual elements are critical. A site that is too original and boring doesn't float well. 

10. Too many tables. Tables are too restrictive and can be easily over-used.

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