Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why I should get an A+ for this class.

   Well, let me tell you about my life in this fine month of January 2011. I think after reading this anyone in the world would agree that I, Mason Sweeney should get an A+ in this class.
   So, I started the new year optimistic about the future, hoping for the best and feeling pretty good. After spending several extra hours in the D.C. airport for no apparent reason, I got back from visiting my parents in NY very early on January 3rd. I went to class a few short hours later that morning. I worked that night. Feel bad for me yet? You should. So about 2 days later, I get home from school to discover my motorcycle gone. Towed? Nope. Stolen from me. Some wonderful, thoughtful person thought it would be cool to have my bike. Ok so I'm really pissed off but I kept my cool. I ignore the fact that the money that I would have made from selling that bike (which I was very soon going to do) was going towards a new Mac.
   The month of January drags on and its getting to be that wonderful time when the lease is up and its time to up and move. I love moving! Especially when its crunch time at school and you really suck at making websites, this just makes for a magical time. Oh and this is on top of working every almost every single night. Its like a fantasy come true. And I haven't even gotten to the part where my teacher puts bizarrly unrealistic loads of work on us. This is just a story in its own that is almost too much to put in words. So I will. I'll spare you the complaints and just sum my story up with this: I think I deserve an extremely good grade in this class.

Just kidding Mr. Williams. But seriously.

10 great design portfolio sites.











10 skills I will develope in the near future.

1. The skill to be a better designer. Throughout all aspects of design, I want to be better in everything I do. That was an easy one.

2. Better web developement skills.

3. Specifically, I want to get better at website indexing so that eventually I can develope a site that will be on the radars.

4. I want to begin blogging on a regular basis in order to start getting people following my design and supporting me. So blogging skills.

5. Marketing skills. I want to learn what makes a good advertisement and how to effectively reach people better.

6. Develope better use of social media. Use Facebook and my blog to really get my work out to the world.

7. A better understanding of javascript and upcoming web technologies so that I can be on the cutting edge of the design world.

8. Communication skills. I guess this goes hand in hand with blogging and social media, but I want to optimize my ability to communicate and get a following through these.

9. Image optimizing. I think I've just scratched the surface on this recently, but I really want to get better at making sure that everything that goes up on my site is perfectly web optimized.

10 Work on making things more accessible. It makes you look better as a designer.

10 ways to make money on the web today

1. Be a designer! Design websites for people and make unbelievable loads of dough.

2. Social media marketing. This is an absolutely huge aspect of the web today. People want to get their name out there through Facebook, Youtube, twitter or whatever it takes. If you know how to effecively advertise through the booming social media market then you will make money.

3. SEO. Search Engine Optimization is also a big industry today. People want their website on the first page of Google and will pay to have it done.

4. Offer your professional opinion online. If you have a niche and know what you are doing, than offer your knowledge to the public through the web. People will come to you by the millions.

5. Along with the previous step, offer a product or advertise a service on the web.

6. Online survey taking. Sounds kind of boring and can also easily be a scam, but people really do it.

7. Performing work functions via the internet, whether it be with a company or doing your own work from home, this is a means of making moola.

8. Google Adsense. Google will pay you a certain amount of money per click when you advertise them on your site. Good stuff.

9. Asking for donations. Just as simple as that.

10. Dont you wish you had this kind of money???  I do.

Why the heckfire should I hire a professional web designer?

1. Well, first of all they are professionals. They know exactly what they are doing and will more than likely will do a good job with whatever task you assign them.

2. They are motivated. You are the paying customer and any hard working web design professional needs you the customer to survive and thrive. They know they need to do a good job if they want their reputation to speak well for them.

3. Hiring a professional will save you unimaginable amounts of time. Yes you may know the basics of HTML writing but it takes you 3 hours to move an image an inch to exactly where you want it. You know the saying "time is money"? well save yourself the complications and headaches of doing your own work and hire a pro.

4. Going to an amateur will kill you. Don't go to a friend or family member who says they will help you out at little expense. Yes this may work sometimes but chances are, that person is not going to do the best job. When there is not much reward in it for them, will they do the same job as a professional web designer?

5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You want your website to get out there and be seen right? SEO is the best way to do this. But this is not something you do with the snap of a finger. It takes tons of research and hard work that should be left up to the professional.

6. Customization. A professional can make your website exactly the way you want it. Display yourself in a way that best explains you and your mission.

7. Being ahead of the competition. Get the upper edge on people or businesses that are competing against you for your clients.

8.  Compatibility issues. Along with Search Engine Optimization, it can be a very frustrating and long process to get your website to look consistent throughout several different browsers.

9.  Social media marketing. The professionals will know how to effectively market your site through social media to get you the best possible results.

10. Cuz we're cool people!

Monday, January 24, 2011

How can a business effectively use social marketing sites in online marketing campaigns?

   In the past ten years, social networking has not only revolutionized the way we communicate and receive information, it has completely reshaped the face of commercial advertisement. Big name social network sites such as Facebook, Youtube and Twitter are worth billions of dollars and have become the pinnacle of online advertisement. Almost anywhere you look you can find that little Facebook symbol along with an advertisement or a link to Youtube to see a promotional video.

  Social networking must be harnessed carefully though. Businesses need to be cautious of how they use social sites in advertisement, and in some cases need to weigh whether this option is worth it at all. At face value, the idea seems fault-proof, but it must be kept in mind that once your business is put in the hands of the public, that anyone from a loyal fan to a begrudged customer from years back can get their say on the web for everyone to see.

   For a small business looking to get their idea out for anyone to see, Social networking is one of the least expensive options while still providing a massive viewer base. It makes great sense. But for an established business seeking to extend to larger audiences, caution should be used. For many businesses, the idea of using social networking sites is not even so much advertisement, but the idea of actively engaging the client base with the company. This is a great tool that can be used to gain trust from the customers and build up loyal ties with the public.

   Social sites like Facebook can also be great for linking up with non-profit organizations and charity events which can do a lot of good for any organization. For many businesses, the idea of monetary gain from social network advertisement comes in second to getting a solid reputation and building strong bonds with local communities and real people. No matter where a company is looking to go with their advertisement, social networking sites will usually do them good if it is used properly.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

10 design ideas to make your site look better

1. Keep It Simple Stupid. This could probably be considered the best tip when designing a website. People don't want to look at a site that take 20 minutes just to decipher everything. Use the KISS principle.

2. Use legible fonts. Usually a sans-serif font is best for websites because it is the most legible and looks the best.

3. Make it easy on the eye. Design a visual hierarchy that makes sense and allows the site to flow.

4. Don't use flashy animations. They were cool 10 years ago.

5. Use colors that make people believe we're in the 21st century. Along with the previous idea, use modern and tasteful colors that don't clash.

6. Be picky with use of images. Some images just straight up don't belong on your site. Use images that have been optimized for the web and are sized correctly on your page (let alone professional).

7. Use a background color or image that makes everything else work. The background of your page lays out how the rest of the site will flow.

8. Reduce clutter. Make links stand out in a way that makes navigation easy. Images and text should not be crunched together.

9. Use personal branding. This will always do nothing but good for you if personal branding is effectively designed and placed well.

10. Make it modern. Use cool layouts and top-edge design. People will like it more.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What makes a website disfunctional?

1. Too many flashing images and backgrounds. Not only does this take away from the content of the page and make text hard to read, but it can also cause problems for people that are prone to seizures.

2. Bad text legibility. Text needs to be a size that is easily read and needs to have good contrast from the background.

3. Margins should not distract from the page. Any margins that cause the contents of the page to be constricted or lob-sided will take away from the presentation.

4. Too large of an index. An index that has links that lead to more links that leads to more links will make the user lose interest. Keep it simple stupid.

5. Links that are hidden or hard to find. Links should be placed in a way that makes them obvious and easily navigable.

6. Images that distract from the content of the page. Images should be sized properly and in such a way that they don't take away from content.

7. Pages that take too long to load. Content of a page should be sized properly so that it doesn't take 45 seconds just to load the home page. People will lose interest if it takes too long.

8. Links that lead to nowhere. All links need to actually lead to somewhere hence the name link.

9. No visual interest. Although organization and functionality is very important, visual elements are critical. A site that is too original and boring doesn't float well. 

10. Too many tables. Tables are too restrictive and can be easily over-used.